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Operation Iron Swords: Israel Launches Unprecedented Retaliation Against Hamas in Gaza Strip- Breaking News

In a swift and decisive response to a relentless barrage of rocket attacks by the Palestinian armed group, Hamas, the Israeli Army launched ‘Operation Iron Swords ‘ on Saturday. The operation, which comes after months of escalating violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, marks one of the most lethal retaliatory actions taken by Israel against Hamas in recent history.

Operation Iron Swords

The Israeli Army initiated ‘Operation Iron Swords’ hours after declaring a state of war in response to the rocket attacks that targeted southern Israel on a Saturday morning. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu issued an Official Declaration of War, signifying a major offensive against Hamas in the southern regions of Israel and along the Gaza Strip.

In an unprecedented move, Israel also activated more than 10,000 Reservists to bolster the country’s defense forces. The Israel Air Force, backed by dozens of fighter jets, launched a series of precision strikes targeting Hamas in various locations within the Gaza Strip.

Israel News Today : Operation Iron Swords

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “Hamas has made a grave mistake this morning and launched a war against the State of Israel.” He added, “IDF troops (Israeli army) are fighting against the enemy at every location,” calling on all Israeli citizens to follow security instructions and expressing confidence in Israel’s victory in this war.

As tensions escalated, Yaakov Shabtai, the Chief of Israel’s police, reported the deployment of special police forces in 21 different locations and the imposition of a lockdown across the entire southern region of Israel.

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Tragically, the conflict claimed the life of Ofir Libstein, the mayor of Israel’s Sha’ar Hanegev region, who died while defending his town during a “terrorist attack.” Deputy Mayor Yossi Keren has assumed the mayoral role in his absence.

The surge in hostilities comes after months of escalating violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leading to casualties in the occupied West Bank reaching levels not seen in years.

As air raid sirens blared across the southern and central regions of Israel, the Israeli military urged the public to take refuge in nearby bomb shelters. Meanwhile, Hamas took responsibility for firing an astonishing 5,000 rockets, steadfastly declaring their willingness to accept the repercussions of their actions.

Israel declares state of war launches operation Iron Swords

Amidst the ongoing conflict, commercial operations at airports in central and southern Israel were temporarily suspended due to rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. However, Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv remained operational with heightened security measures in place.

The Gaza Strip, a densely populated Palestinian exclave, remains at the center of this conflict, governed by the Islamic militant group, Hamas, since 2006. The region has been under a comprehensive Israeli blockade, restricting the movement of people and goods by land, sea, and air. The Gaza Strip’s two million residents endure challenging living conditions, with limited access to resources and services.

As ‘Operation Iron Swords’ unfolds, the situation remains fluid, with the world closely watching the developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


FAQs : Operation Iron Swords

What prompted Israel to launch ‘Operation Iron Swords’?

Israel launched the operation in response to a barrage of rocket attacks by the Palestinian armed group, Hamas, targeting southern Israel.

What is the significance of ‘Operation Iron Swords’?

This operation marks one of the most lethal retaliatory actions taken by Israel against Hamas in recent history.

What measures has Israel taken in response to the conflict?

Israel has activated over 10,000 Reservists to bolster its defense forces and initiated precision strikes against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

How has the international community responded to the conflict?

The international community is closely monitoring the situation, with concerns growing over the escalation of violence.

What is the status of commercial operations at Israeli airports?

Commercial operations at airports in central and southern Israel were temporarily suspended due to rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, except for Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, which remained operational with enhanced security measures.

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